V-Ray comes with all the lighting, shading, and rendering tools you need to create professional, photoreal imagery and animation.
Built to handle your biggest projects and your toughest scenes. Render anything and everything with V-Ray.
Spend less time waiting and more time being creative. Deliver your best work and never miss a deadline, via CPU or GPU, local or via the network.
V-Ray puts you in the driver seat. You’re in control. With V-Ray’s versatile features, you can choose the best approach for your scene.
V-Ray’s very deep C4d integration keeps your workflow fluid and smooth and combines best of both worlds [C4D & V-Ray]
Independent artists and top studios choose V-Ray every day to create world-class designs and visual effects.
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In V-Ray 3.6 all parts of the engine have been greatly speed up. The new extremely optimized CPU rendering brings V-Ray to speeds never seen before rendering, providing a feature full and powerful production tool set for high-quality, high-resolution images and animations with V-Ray. V-Ray provides 100% physical correct ray tracing methods. In addition V-Ray 3.6 now also offers blazing fast GPU render options for previews and final frame rendering (for supported features-see FAQ page).
Simplicity is one of the best new features. V-Ray 3.6’s new automated sampling with its variance based adaptive ray tracing technology offers a dramatic different way to work for artists in eliminating the need to set or tune any complex settings – just choose the GI engine type, the render time and start render. Subdivisions, technical render settings, all that is not needed any more in V-Ray 3.6. The new progressive rendering for CPU and GPU gives you an instant feedback on the render result.
Learn more.