Make sure you always have dependable copies of your data so you can restore your entire system or individual files
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Make sure you always have dependable copies of your data so you can restore your entire system or individual files
Use cloning and imaging to make a duplicate of your system, capturing all of your data for disk migration or system recovery
Back up to a local drive and to the cloud for the Dual Protection of always having on-site and off-site copies available
Quickly recover your whole system or a specific file with confidence, knowing that the backup is as good as the original
Back up in just two clicks,
and view all your data and backup information in one place.
Enjoy a simple, intuitive approach to backup, because safeguarding your data doesn’t need to be complicated.
With one solution you can safeguard PCs, Macs, iOS and Android devices as well as your social media accounts
Protect everything by choosing where to store your data and creating a full image backup in just two clicks
Know at a glance the size of your backup, the types of files, and how many ransomware attacks have been stopped
Learn more.